Book Awards
2014 Outstanding Qualitative Book Award by the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry for Sweetwater (Award presented May 24, 2014, Champaign, IL)
2013 Best Monograph/Book Award from the National Communication Association Ethnography Division for Sweetwater (Award presented November 22, 2013, Washington, D.C.).
2013 Inaugural H. L. "Bud" Goodall, Jr. and Nicholas Lee Trujillo "It's A Way of Life" Award in Narrative Ethnography, co-sponsored by the National Communication Association Ethnography Division and the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry for Sweetwater. (Award presented May 17, 2013, Champaign, IL).
Journalism Awards
2021, Second Place, Division C Commentary, Public Media Journalists Association Award for “Missing White Woman Syndrome”
2020, First Place Award for Commentary, Public Media Journalists Association Award (former PRNDI) for “Black Maternal Mortality, Pts. 1 & 2”
2020, Communicator Award, Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for “The State of the WNBA, Pts. 1 & 2”
Affiliate Awards
Visual Voices and Aural (Auto)Ethnographies: The Personal, Political, and Polysemic Value of Storytelling and/in Communication, Review of Communication, 21(1), received the 2021 Best Special Issue of a Journal Award from the Ethnography Division of the National Commuication Assocation.
Five Lessons From My Mentor, featured in Storytelling, Self and Society 10(1), which received the 2015 Best Special Issue of a Journal Award from the Ethnography Division of the National Communication Association
On Teaching and Telling: Two Sides of a Teaching (Cassette) Tape, featured in C. Dillard and C. L. Okpalaoka's (Eds), Engaging Culture, Race and Spirituality in Education: New Visions, which won the 2014 American Educational Studies Association’s Critics’ Choice Award
"Sit With Your Legs Closed!” And Other Sayin’s From My Childhood, featured in S. Holman-Jones, T. Adams & C. Ellis’ (Eds), Handbook of Autoethnography, Left Coast Press​, which received the 2013 "Best Edited Book of the Year" Award from the Ethnography Division of the National Communication Association.
Blackgirl Blogs, Auto/ethnography and Crunk Feminism, featured in Liminalities, 9(2), which received the 2013 Best Special Issue of a Journal Award from the Ethnography Division of the National Commuication Assocation.
Gray or For Colored Girls Who Are Tired of Chasing Rainbows: Race and Reflexivity, featured in Cultural Studies<=> Critical Methodolgies, 11(2), which received the 2012 Best Special Issue of a Journal Award from the Ethnography Division of the National Communication Association.
Writing Awards
2009, Illinois Qualitative Dissertation Award, The International Center for Qualitative Inquiry
2007, Ruth and Frank Coleman Award for Excellence in Short Fiction, University of South Florida
Teaching, Research, Service & Leadership
2024, Distinguished Research Professorship, University of Alabama
2022, Mid-Career Award, Ethnography Division, National Communication Association
2021, The XXXI of the University of Alabama (Induction April 5, 2021, Tuscaloosa, AL)
2020, Carolyn Calloway-Thomas Inclusivity Fellow from Central States Communication Association
2019, Sojourner Truth Award from George Mason University
2017, Article of the Year Award from the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus of the Central States Communication Association (co-author, Tony E. Adams)
2015, C&IS Board of Visitors Teaching Excellence Award, University of Alabama
2014, Last Lecture Series Award Recipient, Graduate School, University of Alabama (lecture available on itunes)
2011, Honorable Recognition, Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Education, Office of Research on Teaching in the Disciplines, College of Education, University of Alabama
2010, Anderson Society, Honorary Member, University of Alabama
2009, Distinguished Graduate Achievement Award, Graduate and Professional Student Council, University of South Florida
2008, Golden Bull Award (for leadership and service), University of South Florida
2008, International Communication Association Graduate Teacher of the Year Award
2008, Apple Polishing Award, University of South Florida Ambassadors
2007, Honorable Mention, Ford Diversity Dissertation Fellowship
2007, Arthur P. Bochner Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in Doctoral Studies, Department of Communication, University of South Florida
2006, Provost’s Award for Outstanding Teaching By A Graduate Teaching
Richard F. Pride Fellowship, Institute on Black Life, University of South Florida, 2003-2007
USF Women in Leadership and Philanthopy Graduate Fellowship Award, University of South Florida, 2006-2007
John Robinson Fellowship, Department of Communication Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2002-2003